Avoid Prius and Civic drivers
Be a listener for my children
Care of flowers in the garden
Do things that overcome, fix
Earn trust of creative souls
Find the one true love
Go where heart is happy
Hunt for beta reader to edit
Ignore aches when I hike
Jump at opportunity to travel
Know my worth and say no
Love earthly and celestial
Manage money to grow
Need organic healthy food
Opt away from drinking
Pray the rosary daily
Quit negative self-doubt
Remember greet morning
Savor change is my path
Thankful grateful appreciate
Undo knots that waste time
Value my plans and goals
Wear a coat of strength
X's are not my worry
Yearn for better and do so
Zzz for sleep to recharge
Caroline Gerardo copyright 2018
Caroline Gerardo copyright 2018