Thursday, April 26, 2018
Water Haiku
Water nourishes ~her soul is the best teacher ~ flow with the changes.
Caroline Gerardo copyright 4/26/2018
Monday, April 23, 2018
Rescue the Chick
a little poem for the rescued chick
A Poem a Day
National Poetry Month
It is a myth that birds smell our fingers.
Chickens can't sense Carolina Reapers.
Menagerie of rescue pets lingers,
Turtles, frogs, & pygmy goats are keepers.
Every time my daughter calls out for help
The dogs know to share room and never yelp.
Caroline Gerardo copyright April 2018
Black Sheep Poem
(Kipling was talking about a shamed by a scandal
young man who enlisted as common soldier to hide
from society when he qualified as an officer.)
Innocents die.
We carry protest signs,
We enroll in "kindness training"
We take days for racial fairness class.
We offer thoughts and prayers as wine.
Public High School is a place where children are parked.
They are bullied by huge jocks and popular mean kids.
They are taught that only the college bound survive.
They wait in line; but, the system fails to change.
They play on their phone, the internet is all.
They wear the same jeans, shoes, t-shirts.
They conform, dye their hair to match.
They don't step on cracks, in fear.
They practice duck, hide, run.
They don't build houses.
They don't produce.
They don't plan.
They exist.
They are technicolor centers of the kaleidoscope where movie stars are heroes
They believe they will last as a crystal never breaking or fading or falling
They are earth to become seed and dust for poppies on the road side
Does the black sheep have wool to sell?
We are not creating a kinder world.
We must produce change.
Caroline Gerardo A Poem A Day National Poetry Month
copyright April 23, 2018
Friday, April 20, 2018
Boys Poem
Baby Boys Who Swim Great Poem
Friend of mine's oldest son is "on the spectrum."
Teacher sent him to the Principal's office for play
shooting with his fingers on carpet circle time.
Friend of mine's younger son has leukemia.
He is doing extra chemotherapy because they
can't kill all the bad cells in the first rounds.
Friend of mine's oldest son dropped out of Stanford
this Quarter because of his video gaming addition,
to come home and push grocery carts at Ralphs.
Friend of mine's younger son has ADD and drug
additions which keep him depressed in bed
they want to send him to a camp in Utah.
Friend of mine's oldest son was arrested
the police pulled the door off his car and broke
his nose, but found nothing in his possession.
Friends of mine on Facebook seem to have
Achilles without a fatal flaw, Babe Ruth,
and Michael Phelps as their baby boys.
Caroline Gerardo copyright April 20, 2018 PoemADay
Part of my poem a day for National Poetry
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Wren Poem
Wren on roof
Calls to sea
Come home
Come back
Return to me.
Copyright Caroline Gerardo April 17,2018
Camelot Poem
Monday, April 16, 2018
Rattle Snake Poem
Poem A Day
Is it possible to consolidate thoughts into meaningful forms?
Prepare the sway to drain off, as not to stagnate.
The constraint builds a chain link fence around a treasure.
Trench for a silt fence, around the squirrel holes and rabbit dens.
Use a narrow shovel as not to injure some infant mice.
Hit a rattle snake in error.
He scurries away, as men do with broken pride.
Then he surfaces at night, a foolish attempt
He scurries away, as men do with broken pride.
Then he surfaces at night, a foolish attempt
on the first warm night of spring.
Amelia, a barn owl who hunts from the roof of my house,
spots him moving in the moonlight.
A fight ensues, and she wins, taking the meat of his
Amelia, a barn owl who hunts from the roof of my house,
spots him moving in the moonlight.
A fight ensues, and she wins, taking the meat of his
body to the sky, leaves a piece to rot in the meadow.
A game of hide and seek;
for bow flys to discover and clean up the mess.
A game of hide and seek;
for bow flys to discover and clean up the mess.
The odor of death is the same for all of us.
We reside on this earth inside fences, caves,
and cabins safe only as long as chance allows.
We reside on this earth inside fences, caves,
and cabins safe only as long as chance allows.
I don't believe in a God who knows the moment Amelia will
die, or why your soul suffers worse than a guy in a Maserati.
Be careful when digging, and it is not a gas line may blow,
or to disturb a den of dormant terrorists, yes, we live
or to disturb a den of dormant terrorists, yes, we live
here in fragile tissue balance where barbed wire that keeps
us inside also cuts to death.
us inside also cuts to death.
Caroline Gerardo © copyright 4/16/2018
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Pumpkin Snake
Pumpkin Snake
Spring snakes singing out
heat crusts their burrows
signals to waken to find
silver feathered mice,
that hide in pumpkins,
and apple blossoms on the
earth waiting for them to
play and scare me silly.
I'm building a silt fence
over the mesh wire buried
in front of the chain link
to keep out the rattlers
a critter evil surprised
strike me when I forget
leather gloves, snake chaps
and sharp shovel to keep my
garden safe from some crazy
king who steams his subjects
with nerve agents and say they
meant to kill the bugs and rats.
mice walk the plank for peanut butter
dump pirates miles away for condors
don't murder garter snakes or frogs
mice walk the plank for peanut butter
dump pirates miles away for condors
don't murder garter snakes or frogs
Copyright Caroline Gerardo April 2018 Poem A Day
tWednesday, April 11, 2018
ABC Poem
I'm missing teaching the alphabet
Answering every question with a: "yes, here's how."
Believing I fix things after watching a UTube video.
Cleaning ears of our Golden Retriever named Honey.
Dancing to music composed on a Stratocaster guitar.
Enlightening your mind to constellations over earth.
Feeling appreciated by the gestures, notes, & smiles.
Greeting sunrise with a rosary and packed lunches
Having courage to do motherhood and fatherhood solo
Investigating the clicks on the home computer for evil
Judging after hearing lies from blinking eyed faces
Knowing car repairs when no Moms know how to
Listening for the front door to open when your home
Managing the payroll check with the mortgage money
Nagging when you can study longer, or do an extra lap
Organizing the drawers, bagging stuff for the Veterans
Planting heirloom tomatoes next to the herb garden
Questioning the Principal about school safety plans
Reading the tandem books in your syllabus
Searching graveyards for new rose cultivars
Tallying statistics for Frosh JV and Varsity Lacrosse
Underlining the legalese to change the contracts
Verbalizing prayer, plans, praise, and elation.
Waiting for your call that requires my advice
X husband pays for nothing criticizes particulars
Yawing in the morning under dark Tule fog
Zzzz is not sleep it is the diligence of my mind.
and more
Stopping the leak of the river of the world
Planning for
Saving for goals
Copyright Caroline Gerardo April 11, 2018 A Poem a Day
Answering every question with a: "yes, here's how."
Believing I fix things after watching a UTube video.
Cleaning ears of our Golden Retriever named Honey.
Dancing to music composed on a Stratocaster guitar.
Enlightening your mind to constellations over earth.
Feeling appreciated by the gestures, notes, & smiles.
Greeting sunrise with a rosary and packed lunches
Having courage to do motherhood and fatherhood solo
Investigating the clicks on the home computer for evil
Judging after hearing lies from blinking eyed faces
Knowing car repairs when no Moms know how to
Listening for the front door to open when your home
Managing the payroll check with the mortgage money
Nagging when you can study longer, or do an extra lap
Organizing the drawers, bagging stuff for the Veterans
Planting heirloom tomatoes next to the herb garden
Questioning the Principal about school safety plans
Reading the tandem books in your syllabus
Searching graveyards for new rose cultivars
Tallying statistics for Frosh JV and Varsity Lacrosse
Underlining the legalese to change the contracts
Verbalizing prayer, plans, praise, and elation.
Waiting for your call that requires my advice
X husband pays for nothing criticizes particulars
Yawing in the morning under dark Tule fog
Zzzz is not sleep it is the diligence of my mind.
and more
Stopping the leak of the river of the world
Planning for
Saving for goals
Copyright Caroline Gerardo April 11, 2018 A Poem a Day
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Roland Reiss
" Ars longa, vita brevis occasio
Art is long, life is short, opportunity
:Ὁ βίος βραχύς,
- ἡ δὲ τέχνη μακρή,
- ὁ δὲ καιρὸς ὀξύς,
- ἡ δὲ πεῖρα σφαλερή,
- ἡ δὲ κρίσις χαλεπή."
Roland Reiss Poem
on my 10th day of
National Poetry Month
Poem a Day
Roland Reiss at Claremont Art Museum
celebrate a return to history ~
not a retrospective, peeks in his past.
Color bombs cultivated to outlast.
Miniatures in plex-cases reveal
narratives laid out in minute detail
diorama natural history.
lifelike scenes offer a view of story.
Watch a television melodrama
endings determined in the spin around
movies playing out without the three acts
from a peephole, viewers discern the facts.
The paintings also share high principles
buried brushstrokes under dirt road washboards,
glossed color medium gives such a sheen,
stinking aroma of permanent green.
Amaryllis opens on time Christmas
captures forced a 17th Century bulb
and tulips as the Dutch Masters did save
Reiss tames cadmium yellow to behave.
Disney, The Capital and winged airplanes
humming low under Matisse colored sky.
Not wild lupine, these cultivars create
music by the Master that is first rate.
narratives laid out in minute detail
diorama natural history.
lifelike scenes offer a view of story.
Watch a television melodrama
endings determined in the spin around
movies playing out without the three acts
from a peephole, viewers discern the facts.
The paintings also share high principles
buried brushstrokes under dirt road washboards,
glossed color medium gives such a sheen,
stinking aroma of permanent green.
Amaryllis opens on time Christmas
captures forced a 17th Century bulb
and tulips as the Dutch Masters did save
Reiss tames cadmium yellow to behave.
Disney, The Capital and winged airplanes
humming low under Matisse colored sky.
Not wild lupine, these cultivars create
music by the Master that is first rate.
Caroline Gerardo © copyrights reserved April 10, 2018
Please see his exhibition
"Unapologetic Flowers and Small Stories"
Please see his exhibition
"Unapologetic Flowers and Small Stories"
Poem To My YOUNGER Self #wtwrites
A Poem to myself many years ago.
Fear nothing
the highest
silo cannot
stifle growth.
Practice hourly,
daily, dream,
drum until
arms ache.
Plan new
climbs they say
cannot complete
or flew before.
Wake early
smile before
the sun hits
smoke horizon.
Save money
harvest like
a worst year
store energy.
Love many
when they rip
the soul, plant
seeds for more.
Make mistakes
save the scabs
mix in the mortar
build YOUR life.
National Poetry Month Poem a Day
Copyright © April 10, 2018 Caroline Gerardo
Monday, April 9, 2018
Moshen Namjoo
Moshen Namjoo on poetry, form and rhythm.
در شعر، شکل و ریتمن
USC Lecture April 2018
Friday, April 6, 2018
Yosemite Closes
![]() |
Yosemite Waits For Storm |
Language is a storm that prevents camping.
4/6/2018 Copyright Caroline Gerardo
Poem a day
National Poetry Month
This one is short
Thursday, April 5, 2018
What a Monster Needs Poem
What a monster needs
Press cider vinegar to rinse off slime.
Cheer up bath bombs, aroma fills the pond.
Orange fake suntan removal of thyme.
Peroxide to turn grey hair into blonde.
What a monster needs
Coconut oil to scrub sharp amber teeth.
Bramble rose wire to keep mouth silent shut.
Perfume necklace of a bay laurel wreath.
Duck tape on bloated rotten stomach gut.
What a monster does to hide his hate.
Caroline Gerardo copyright April 5, 2018
Winter Tangerine poem # 5
Prompting a poem a day for April
but no promises about keeping up
Egg Shell Poem
Lost Egg Shell
Tiffany blue skin
chocolate spots
No yolk
No chick
No violent death
Not a suicide from nest,
Not a reject dumped out,
Probable murder by raven.
A hedge sparrow, a house martin,
& a goldfinch calls out in sorrow.
Mother skulks in shadow,
she prays the chick peeps.
Did the crow pick the moss nest
as I pick the bowl of Jelly Bellies?
caramel corn, buttered popcorn,
cantaloupe, toasted marshmallow,
cinnamon Harry Potter boogers...
Flavor is only in the shell,
inside is gooey duck jelly
that protein a crow hunts.
The mother sees Lazuli Bunting baby
luminous in sapphire, sapphire, citrine
but he is a russet potato feathered boy.
don't judge by the colors,
one nightingale shares
300 love songs
Above the flavors I don't bite into
Copyright © Caroline Gerardo April 5, 2018
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Ghazal Garden
Ghazal for an entry without a fee.
A black lettuce wrap sandwich for my sin
Don't tell my vegan daughter she'll cry sea
April is poem a day month for old me.
Anxiety grows at night under cardboard.
Anxiety grows at night under cardboard.
Sparrows tumble from my throat, is to say
Snakes eat Araucana eggs on their way
Amelia’s boys keep cabins in the wood.
Aphrodite’s sacred birds kept at bay
Solitary life, they did not dismay.
Peaches, blood oranges feed the blue jays
Paul, young son loads the truck for market day
Coffee becomes compost, chicks are traded
Silkie Bantams warm in Matelasse beds
Sunflower seeds dry in a crumpled way.
Tires go flat over the dirty road frey.
The boy shares his lunch with a passeridae
She calls tik tik as rock sparrows do fly
Wish him good fortune, yes, which is to say
Waste not, be kind, work hard C. G. each day.
A woeful story /// you want to replay.
Daughter told me never eat at Chic fil A
The C. O. O is ju ju ~ ~ Dan Cathy
we should shake our fist at chicken and say
Off to hell the phrase "my pleasure" all day.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Rosary Morning
Chumash Indians were not better off.
We assume wrong-facts from history
We see living off nature as poverty,
the economically poor are unhappy,
those who don't drive to urgent care,
those who don't own a Range Rover,
those who lug Luis Vuitton luggage
Having builds desire for emptiness.
I was in a hurry this morning to work.
The gas light blinks on, I can't make it.
On the front seat I had red cabbage and
purple chard, first of spring to share.
With my olive drab twenty dollar bill
I put a brown bag of the vegetables to
the random man behind the formica
counter top, "twenty on seven please,
and these veggies are from my garden."
He peeks in the bag, incredulously,
"Oh my mother had these," he says in
heavy Pakistani syntax English accent.
A red headed woman in a XT 5 2018
Cadillac SUV is cursing at the credit
card machine slot for her gas pump.
She tells me, "this God dam place
is the worst station for miles around."
I smile but don't answer, not wanting
to engage in her rage morning event.
Behind black tinted windows two
children in cars seats in the back fuss.
She tells them to "shut the f... up,"
and storms into the cashier office.
I'm not certain I ought to leave the
children in her vehicle alone, so I
stand in front of her shiny new car
which has the driver side door open.
My fuel finished pumping and she
doesn't return, I see the children
are two and five approximately.
Cars park, pump and disappear.
Still, the flaming red head does
not return. I lift my shoulders,
give a shy wave to the children
who now silently watch me.
I wonder if her credit card
is hacked, or overdrawn or?
Here she comes, blue veins
in forehead popping out mad.
"God dam Indians why don't they
go back to Mexico farms," rants.
Her information is dead wrong.
Bigotry hot as wax searing skin.
I correct her mistake in thought.
Dig rock clay with iron to find
water to plant the three sisters,
rise bread in wood fire oven,
laundry washes sin outdoors,
kneel to scrub the terra cotta
In 1824 the Chumash revolted,
burned red head's Cadillac to dust.
In my mind; but I say to her,
"Your Grandchildren are beautiful."
Knowing they are likely her own,
wish I had shared a life changing
snappy way to turn her her around.
I return to the safety of my truck.
The aroma of coffee fills the cab.
I think of the holy water font at
the Mission and recite the rosary
as I drive on to work I pray.
Caroline Gerardo copyright April 3, 2018 # 3 of my poem a day for #NationalPoetrymonth
laundry fountain |
bread oven |
ancient hoe |
mill |
sundial |
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