
Sunday, December 16, 2018

Making Magnolia Wreaths

Christmas Tradition
Making wreaths for friends
This is my first magnolia wreath.

The structure built of grape vines here on the ranch.
I take fresh cuttings and bind them in a hoop string.
If the weather is dry, the shapes are ready in a day.

Cut more than you think you need of greenery,
about three times the size of the wreath as leaves
are flawed or fail in the binding.

The only bought item is floral wire, the thin type
on a spool. Wrap groups of stems with leaves and flowers.
Stack heads together in bunches of threes and cut lanky ends.
Pull off around 40 good leaves and wrap bunches of 4-6 leaves
with the wire. I spray painted a few seed pods with a light touch of
white because they appeared a but dreary. These were also wired on
strips about twenty inches long. Start wiring the bunches to the
grape ivy wreath and secure the wires by twisting in the rear. Gently
flip the wreath back and forth filling in as you go. The last touches are
to add seed pods or pine cones if you have them.
I attached a red gros-grain ribbon for hanging in her home.

This year I made woodland wreaths, cactus, and succulent ones for
friends. It takes me about ten hours to make one finished forty inch
wide wreath,