Making a wreath from the plants and greens around your home.
I collected: pine cones, dried lemons, pine branches, grape vines, old wire leftovers, eucalyptus, and olive branches. I will add rosemary and herbs to freshen it up each week of advent.
All of the greens were free.You need: good clippers, variety of found wire, and gloves
I thought I would glue or modge podge but did not this year.
I soaked the pine cones in bleach and water, not necessary I wanted them to
look frosty- a cup household bleach to gallon of water and soak for 24 hours,
then let them dry in the sun.
I had lemons from a tree that my neighbor forgot to water. I sliced the dried fruits and put on a cookie sheet in the sunshine for two days.
Two types of wire- one coated one to hold the grape vines to dry in a circle shape, and a finer one to attach to the loop.