Crime Poem
Sunday night the dogs escape to the wood.
baseball bat in the back, radio sings loud,
fingers burning fear warnings of childhood,
hours hunting, spy a tail in a cloud.
The trail ahead blocked by granite boulders.
Mountain lion serial murderer,
lurks hidden evil over my shoulder,
in the dark ahead is a torturer.
Flashlight fires courage with each imprint.
Upon the sagebrush the injured dog rests,
not a whimper when my shirt makes a splint,
carry back to the car without protests.
Wound appears to be torn by barbed wire.
Three in the morning, where may find a Vet?
Bottled club soda and Betadine dire,
carry an eighty pound dog works a sweat.
Dixie doesn't cry as I unload her
my arms wrap as I whisper, "found help."
Techs run with a stretcher as we enter
in their hands a muzzle to stop a yelp.
Carmel eyes gaze touching my heart in trust.
"I'll hold her head, she's a gentle lady."
Shave, clean, and xray reveals what it must,
the dog's been shot by evil upper crust.
Spot in hell for a man who tries to kill.
Easy to recover from lack of sleep.
This story is not ended I know it will
Find this criminal, a promise I keep.
Caroline Gerardo copyright May 9, 2018
This poem is a true story