Corona Virus Poem
Paper towel turns on.
Wet hands large glob of soap.
Cover with big bubbles.
Rub and count to twenty.
Shake for fifteen seconds.
Don't touch anything hard.
Sneezing gets your guard on.
Bless the elbow, not hard.
Share to wash with bubbles.
Our lives count on seconds.
Virus flies almost twenty.
Liquid or bar's good soap.
Glycerin rose is soap
Killing molecules on
surfaces that are hard.
The beauty of bubbles
scrubs away in seconds.
Give it a count twenty.
Rabies creates bubbles
It takes months not seconds
Bites cause one in twenty.
Clean a wound with much soap
reduce molecules on
muscle joins fast and hard.
Our panic is not twenty.
Will there be enough soap?
C. P. C. evil turns on ~
No vaccine makes it hard.
Guns not filled of bubbles.
Virus spreads split seconds.
Life has many seconds
recall being twenty
the solution is soap
you desire to go on
without beloved its hard
memory pops bubbles
Keep strong, although its hard
recall: wash with bubbles
sing birthday for seconds
see children be twenty
the solution is soap
you desire to go on.
Caroline Gerardo
© copyright 2/4/2020
Please wash your hands in hot water and soap for twenty seconds, some say to sing the Happy Birthday song, before you eat, touch another person, come home, before you touch your face. As a matter of fact train yourself not to touch your face with your fingers.
© copyright 2/4/2020
Please wash your hands in hot water and soap for twenty seconds, some say to sing the Happy Birthday song, before you eat, touch another person, come home, before you touch your face. As a matter of fact train yourself not to touch your face with your fingers.