
Monday, August 6, 2018

Review don't Worry He won't Get Far On Foot

 Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot

Disappointing is all I can say.

Gus Van Zant uses a mixed up timeline and the hair color of
characters to indicate a story. 
Tries to be funny with a cliche rich gay Jonah Hill in his 
living room of hideous heirlooms from his grandparents.
Tries to tackle recovery and addiction with reciting 
the AA 12 step program to happiness.
Tries to make us fall in love with Rooney Mara as
the nurse turned air stewardess. she's to fragile to 
believe her falling for a guy with a stinking hangover 
in a wheelchair.

Joaquin Phoenix's dialogue is awkward at best.
We want to like him as a hero but find ourselves
not caring much about the narrative.

I know it's based on a true story but is too heavy handed
on sentimentality, unsharpened humor and cliches.

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